Armita was born in Tehran and graduated with a Bachelors’s of French from the Azad University of Tehran in 2011.
Zoe was born in Tehran and graduated with a Bachelor of Graphics from the Art University of Tehran in 2014.
dental hygienist
Sanaz holds a bachelor’s degree from the Azad University in Tehran and received her certification of dental assistance from the CDI college of BC.
Ghazal is currently a student working toward her ultimate goal of becoming a medical doctor.
Dental assistant
Elli was welcomed to our office after graduating from Vancouver CDI College in 2015 as an honor student in Dental Assisting.
Dental assistant
Vestibulum posuere felis vestibulum pharetra dapibus. Nam vitae sapien dapibus, condimentum ipsum non, porttitor purus.
Pooneh graduated with honors from the Faculty of Science in Shiraz University in 1994. She immigrated to Canada in 1997 and graduated as a Certified Dental Assistant from VCC in 2000.