Sanaz Abdollahi
Dental assistant
Phone : 001 234 56 79
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Sanaz holds a bachelor’s degree from the Azad University in Tehran and received her certification of dental assistance from the CDI college of BC. Sanaz shares a remarkable passion for dentistry and strives to pursue excellence in this field, by devoting every effort to acquiring the skills needed in order to specialize in more advanced modules.
In addition to the aforesaid, Sanaz strongly believes in the motto of “healthy body, healthy mind” and therefore takes great pleasure in hiking regularly.
1997 – 2001
Phasellus scelerisque lobortis lectus.
Phasellus scelerisque lobortis lectus.
2001 – 2004
Curabitur elementum tellus ac rutrum lobortis.
2004 – 2012
Duis rhoncus lacus odio, vitae placerat eros eleifend vitae.
2012 – Present
Donec leo augue, tincidunt eu mattis eget, ornare porttitor odio.