Pooneh Assadi
Phone : 001 234 56 79
Email: hello@dream-theme.com
Email: hello@dream-theme.com
Pooneh graduated with honors from the Faculty of Science in Shiraz University in 1994. She immigrated to Canada in 1997 and graduated as a Certified Dental Assistant from VCC in 2000. She was awarded a scholarship toward further education in the field of Dental Hygiene. Later Pooneh graduated with honors from the RDH program at the College of Dental Hygiene. Pooneh is the recipient of VCC’s Outstanding Achievement Award, the Hu Friedy Golden Scaler Award, The Academic Excellence Award, and an Award for Clinical Excellence from the College of Dental Hygienists of BC. With her cultured and well-educated background, combined with her kind and caring personality, Pooneh has been one of the most valuable and influential members of our team since 2000. Aside from work, Pooneh enjoys spending time with her husband and children Ghazal and Reza.
1997 – 2001
Phasellus scelerisque lobortis lectus.
Phasellus scelerisque lobortis lectus.
2001 – 2004
Curabitur elementum tellus ac rutrum lobortis.
2004 – 2012
Duis rhoncus lacus odio, vitae placerat eros eleifend vitae.
2012 – Present
Donec leo augue, tincidunt eu mattis eget, ornare porttitor odio.