Elli Ghaffari
Dental assistant
Phone : 001 234 56 79
Email : hello@dream-theme.com
Email : hello@dream-theme.com
Elli was welcomed to our office after graduating from Vancouver CDI College in 2015 as an honor student in Dental Assisting. She received her Publishing and Graphic Design Diploma in computer science and Bachelor’s degree in Italian Translation in Iran and used to work in well-known companies as an office manager in Vancouver and Iran before joining our team.
She believes in “informed dentistry” and always tries to do her part by providing patients with as much treatment information as she can. She is also very friendly, passionate about her job; positive, organized, detail-oriented, and enjoys helping others.
In her spare time, she enjoys sewing, reading, playing tennis, and spending time with her family.
1997 – 2001
Phasellus scelerisque lobortis lectus.
Phasellus scelerisque lobortis lectus.
2001 – 2004
Curabitur elementum tellus ac rutrum lobortis.
2004 – 2012
Duis rhoncus lacus odio, vitae placerat eros eleifend vitae.
2012 – Present
Donec leo augue, tincidunt eu mattis eget, ornare porttitor odio.